Researcher biography

Dr. Rob Rouse is a Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Queensland. Broadly, his research focuses on supporting teachers enacting innovative and integrated hands-on instruction while making the best use of their school makerspace.

Prior to completing his Ph.D. in Learning, Teaching, and Diversity at Vanderbilt University's Peabody College, Rob taught chemistry at a performing arts secondary school in New York City as a member of the New York City Teaching Fellows.

Rob has expertise in maker education and in designing integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning environments. In addition, Rob has a track record of partnering with informal and out-of-school STEM education organizations to provide pre-service and in-service teachers with a variety of learning opportunities suitable for students, educators, and families.

Rob is also the former Director of the Southern Methodist University (SMU) Maker Education Project, a project he co-founded with colleagues from SMU's School of Engineering. The mission of the SMU Maker Education Project was to support educators implementing high-quality maker education activities in their own school makerspaces. Much of this work was supported using the project's mobile makerspace, the MakerTruck.