Featured projects | Duration |
Principal Leadership for Parent-School-Community Engagement in Disadvantaged Schools Project Education Horizon (QLD Government) |
2016–2017 |
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Povey, Jenny, Hodges, Julie and Carroll, Annemaree (2021). Principal leadership for parent engagement in disadvantaged schools: What qualities and strategies distinguish effective principals?. Singapore: Springer Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-1264-0
Book Chapters
Willis, Linda-Dianne and Exley, Beryl (2024). Parent and community engagement. Teaching Middle Years. (pp. 289-304) London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003458586-22
Willis, Linda-Dianne and Exley, Beryl (2022). Engaging parents in inquiry curriculum projects with social media: using metalogue to probe the methodological and ethical dilemmas in literacy research. Unsettling literacies: directions for literacy research in precarious times. (pp. 113-127) edited by Claire Lee, Chris Bailey, Cathy Burnett and Jennifer Rowsell. Gateway East, Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-6944-6_8
Exley, Beryl, Willis, Linda-Dianne and Hoyte, Frances (2020). Early literacy in Australia: teaching teachers to grow children’s global mindedness through multimodal text production. Preparing globally minded literacy teachers: knowledge, practices, and case studies. (pp. 25-43) edited by Jan Lacina and Robin Griffith. New York, NY, United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429397790-3
Willis, Linda-Dianne (2019). Planning for inquiry learning: a Queensland perspective on teaching HASS in initial teacher education. Teaching humanities and social sciences in the primary school. (pp. 94-99) edited by Ruth Reynolds. Docklands, VIC, Australia: Oxford University Press.
Heck, Deborah, Grimmett, Helen and Willis, Linda-Dianne (2019). Teacher educators using cogenerative dialogue to reclaim professionalism. Professionalism and teacher education. (pp. 137-156) edited by Amanda Gutierrez, Jillian Fox and Colette Alexander. Singapore: Springer Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-7002-1_7
Forgasz, Rachel, Heck, Deborah, Williams, Judy, Ambrosetti, Angelina and Willis, Linda-Dianne (2018). Theorising the third space of professional experience partnerships. Educating future teachers: innovative perspectives in professional experience. (pp. 33-47) edited by Jeana Kriewaldt, Angelina Ambrosetti, Doreen Rorrison and Ros Capeness. Singapore, Singapore: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-5484-6_3
Willis, Linda-Dianne (2018). Creating new spaces for pre-service teachers to engage with parents: an Australian coteaching and cogenerative dialoguing project. Home-school relations: international perspectives. (pp. 207-225) edited by Yan Guo. Singapore, Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-0324-1_12
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Grimmett, Helen and Heck, Deborah (2018). Exploring cogenerativity in initial teacher education school-university partnerships using the methodology of metalogue. Educating future teachers: innovative perspectives in professional experience. (pp. 49-69) edited by Jeana Kriewaldt, Angelina Ambrosetti, Doreen Rorrison and Ros Capeness. Singapore: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-5484-6
Willis, Linda-Dianne (2017). Implications for pedagogy: flipping the classroom to engage pre-service teachers. The flipped classroom: practice and practices in higher education. (pp. 273-287) edited by Carl Reidsema, Lydia Kavanagh, Roger Hadgraft and Neville Smith. Singapore, Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-3413-8_17
Willis, Linda-Dianne (2016). Performance poetry. Tadpoles in the Torrens. (pp. 127-127) edited by Jude Aquilina. Mile End, SA, Australia: Wakefield Press.
Willis, Linda-Dianne and Ritchie, Stephen M. (2010). Parents as coteachers of science and technology in a middle-school classroom. Coteaching in International Contexts: Research and Practice. (pp. 281-303) edited by Colette Murphy and Katherine Scantlebury. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-3707-7_14
Journal Articles
Baker, Elizabeth, Exley, Beryl, Willis, Linda-Dianne and Kitson, Lisbeth (2023). Apprenticing students into political participation: using critical visual literacy to review and redesign the school website. English in Education, 57 (4), 283-297. doi: 10.1080/04250494.2023.2272697
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Shaukat, Sadia and Low-Choy, Samantha (2021). Preservice teacher perceptions of preparedness for teaching: Insights from survey research exploring the links between teacher professional standards and agency. British Educational Research Journal, 48 (2) berj.3761, 228-252. doi: 10.1002/berj.3761
Willis, Linda-Dianne and Exley, Beryl (2018). Using an online social media space to engage parents in student learning in the early-years: enablers and impediments. Digital Education Review, 33 (33), 87-104. doi: 10.1344/der.2018.33.87-104
Exley, B., Willis, L.-D. and McCosker, M. (2017). Children as advocates – The potential of using social media in the early years of schooling. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 22 (2), 9-12.
McShane, A., Newby, J.,, Willis, A. and Willis, L.-D. (2017). Advocating for reconciliation using an artefact as stimulus: planning for multiliteracies inquiry with a focus on persuasive texts. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 22 (2), 33-37.
Hu, Mingyan and Willis, Linda-Dianne (2017). Towards a common transnational education framework: peculiarities in China matter. Higher Education Policy, 30 (2), 245-261. doi: 10.1057/s41307-016-0021-9
Phillips, Louise and Willis, Linda-Dianne (2017). Dedication to Narelle Oliver (1960-2016). Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 22 (1), 4-5.
Willis, Linda-Dianne and Phillips, Louise (2017). Wonder. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 22 (1), 3-3.
Exley, Beryl and Willis, Linda-Dianne (2016). Children’s pedagogic rights in the web 2.0 era: a case study of a child’s open access interactive travel blog. Global Studies of Childhood, 6 (4), 400-413. doi: 10.1177/2043610616676026
Povey, Jenny and Willis, Linda (2016). Parent engagement: The current research. How can schools engage with parents in ways that will benefit student learning?. CIRCLE - The Centre for Innovation, Research, Creativity and Leadership in Education
Phillips, P. and Willis, L-D. (2016). Advocacy. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 21 (3), 3-3.
Willis, Linda-Dianne and Exley, Beryl (2016). Language variation and change in the Australian Curriculum English: integrating sub-strands through a pedagogy of metalogue. English in Australia, 51 (2), 74-84.
Willis, Linda-Dianne (2016). Exploring cogenerativity for developing a coteaching community of practice in a parent-teacher engagement project. International Journal of Educational Research, 80, 124-133. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2016.08.009
Exley, Beryl, Collins, Garry, Bishop, Kay and Willis, Linda Dianne (2016). Editorial. English in Australia, 51 (2), 2-5.
Povey, Jenny and Willis, Linda (2016). Parent engagement: the current research. CSM premier, 33 (10), 1-1.
Willis, Linda and Phillips, Louise (2016). Using culturally diverse literature. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 21 (2), 3-3.
Willis, Linda-Dianne (2016). Review – Social diversity within multiliteracies: complexity in teaching and learning. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 21 (2), 43-44.
Phillips, Louise and Willis, Linda (2016). Visual literacy. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 21 (1), 3-3.
Povey, Jenny, Campbell, Alice Kate, Willis, Linda-Dianne, Haynes, Michele, Western, Mark, Bennett, Sarah, Antrobus, Emma and Pedde, Charley (2016). Engaging parents in schools and building parent-school partnerships: the role of school and parent organisation leadership. International Journal of Educational Research, 79 (1), 128-141. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2016.07.005
Exley, Beryl, Collins, Garry, Bishop, Kay and Willis, Linda-Dianne (2016). Editorial. English in Australia, 51 (2), 2-6.
Tierney, Vanessa and Willis, Linda-Dianne (2015). Enacting active and informed citizenship in an early years context. The Social Educator, 33 (3), 4-16.
Willis, Linda-Dianne and Exley, Beryl (2015). Grammar's journey - Teacherly reflections from Linda-Dianne Willis & Beryl Exley. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 20 (3), 29-32.
Willis, Linda, Phillips, Louise, English, Robyn and Friend, Lesley (2015). 20th anniversary platinum edition. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 20 (3), 3-3.
Willis, Linda-Dianne (2015). Me and my backyard... Can i make a difference?. Practically Primary, 20 (2), 26-27.
Phillips, Louise, Willis, Linda, English, Robyn and Friend, Lesley (2015). Language and literacy learning environments. Practically Primary, 20 (2), 3-3.
Willis, Linda-Dianne (2015). Coteaching for parent-school-community engagement: seen through the Four Resources Model. Practically Primary, 20 (1), 4-6.
Phillips, Louise, Willis, Linda, English, Robyn and Friend, Lesley (2015). Engagement with families and communities. Practically Primary, 20 (1), 3-3.
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Kretschmann, Gregory, Lewis, Katrina and Montes, Cate (2014). An engaging pedagogy for social education: co-teaching in a teacher education program. The Social Educator, 32 (3), 23-36.
Poulton, Phillip and Willis, Linda (2014). Ten activities for teaching and learning language. Practically Primary, 19 (3), 36-39.
Phillips, Louise, Willis, Linda, English, Robyn and Friend, Lesley (2014). Language. Practically Primary, 19 (3), 3-3.
Phillips, Louise Gwenneth and Willis, Linda-Dianne (2014). Walking and talking with living texts: Breathing life against static standardisation. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 13 (1), 76-94.
Willis, Linda-Dianne and Menzie, Karena (2013). A practical approach to developing the general capabilities in middle-years English. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 21 (2), xxi-xxiv.
Willis, Linda-Dianne and Menzie, Karena (2012). Coteaching social education: An oasis in changing times. Social Educator, 30 (1), 15-22.
HENDRICKS, AC, WILLIS, LD and SNYDER, C (1995). IMPACT OF FLOODING ON THE DENSITIES OF SELECTED AQUATIC INSECTS. Hydrobiologia, 299 (3), 241-247. doi: 10.1007/BF00767331
WILLIS, LD and HENDRICKS, AC (1992). LIFE-HISTORY, GROWTH, SURVIVORSHIP, AND PRODUCTION OF HYDROPSYCHE-SLOSSONAE IN MILL-CREEK, VIRGINIA. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 11 (3), 290-303. doi: 10.2307/1467649
BRUSSOCK, PP, WILLIS, LD and BROWN, AV (1988). LEAF DECOMPOSITION IN AN OZARK CAVE AND SPRING. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 4 (3), 263-269. doi: 10.1080/02705060.1988.9665175
WILLIS, LD and BROWN, AV (1985). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT REQUIREMENTS OF THE OZARK CAVEFISH, AMBLYOPSIS-ROSAE. American Midland Naturalist, 114 (2), 311-317. doi: 10.2307/2425606
RABB, JL and WILLIS, LD (1981). ALFALFA VARIETIES FOR NORTHWEST LOUISIANA. Louisiana Agriculture, 25 (1), 6-7.
Conference Papers
Willis, L.-D., Povey, J. and Hodges, J. (2020). Practical strategies to enhance student learning and wellbeing: what can schools and parents do?. 20th Biennial Helping Families Change Conference (HFCC 2020), Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 5-7 February 2020.
Hodges, J., Willis, L.-D., Povey, J., Kirby, G., Aery, A., Day, J. and MHYPEDD Team (2020). Building partnerships between a child’s home and their school: practical strategies to enhance children’s development (Symposium). 20th Biennial Helping Families Change Conference (HFCC 2020), Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 5-7 February 2020.
Willis, L.-D., Povey, J., Hodges, J., Carroll, A. and Antrobus, E. (2019). Parent engagement—Speaking from the research. Queensland Catholic Education Commission (QCEC) Biennial Meeting, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 19 August 2019.
Willis, L.-D., Povey, J. and Hodges, J. (2019). Principal leadership for parent engagement: Using socially just practices to improve education horizons for parents and students.. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Schools and Education Systems (SES) Special Interest Group (SIG), Education for a socially just world, Brisbane, Australia, 1-5 December 2019.
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Povey, Jenny and Hodges, Julie (2018). Principal leadership for “Parent engagement in schools” (PES): Effective strategies and practices. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Education Research Matters: Impact and Engagement, Sydney, Australia, 2-6 December 2018.
Willis, Linda-Dianne and Exley, Beryl (2018). EPIC: Engaging Parents/Carers in Student Learning Using Inquiry Curriculum and Social Media. Collaborating for Success - Queensland Catholic School Parents Biennial Conference, Townsville, QLD, Australia, 8-10 June 2018.
Willis, Linda-Dianne (2018). Plenary address: owning the unknown. Literacies education for a Diversity of Learners, The University of Queensland, 21 July 2018.
Willis, Linda-Dianne and Exley, Beryl (2018). Teaching early years English/literacy using multiliteracies pedagogy that included inquiry curriculum and online social media to engage parents. Australian Association for the Teaching of English/Australian Literacy Educators' Association National Conference, Perth, WA, Australia, 8 - 11 July 2018. Australian Association for the Teaching of English.
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Povey, Jenny, Hodges, Julie, Dolley, Christine, Carleton, Phillip, Wilkinson, Louise and McAllister, Danielle (2018). Parent engagement research and evidence. Parents and Citizens Association of Queensland State Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 7-8 September 2018.
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Povey, Jenny, Hodges, Julie, Carroll, Annemarie and Pedde, Charley (2018). Principal leadership qualities and strategies: engaging parents and the community in disadvantaged schools. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 11-13 September 2018.
Willis, Linda-Dianne and Exley, Beryl (2018). Using social media to “Engage parents in inquiry curriculum” (EPIC).. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Education Research Matters: Impact and Engagement, Sydney, Australia, 2-6 December 2018.
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Povey, Jenny, Hodges, Julie, Carroll, Annemarie and Antrobus, Emma (2018). Engage to learn: working in partnership with families. Queensland Department of Education Research Showcase, Brisbane, Australia, 27 November 2018.
Grimmett, Helen, Heck, Debbie and Willis, Linda-Dianne (2018). Becoming dialogical practitioners in initial teacher education classroms. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Education Research Matters: Impact and Engagement, Sydney, Australia, 2-6 December 2018.
Heck, Deb, Grimmett, Helen and Willis, Linda-Dianne (2017). Using metalogue to develop an understanding of cogenerativity and school-university partnerships in initial teacher education. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 26-30 December 2017.
Exley, Beryl and Willis, Linda-Dianne (2017). Children’s pedagogic rights in the web 2.0 era: a case study of a child’s open access interactive travel blog. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 26-30 December 2017.
Povey, J. and Willis, L. (2017). Innovative parent engagement leadership practices across diverse school contexts. ARACY Parent Engagement Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 6-8 June 2017.
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Povey, Jenny, Hodges, Julie, Campbell, Alice and Carroll, Annemaree (2017). Innovative parent engagement leadership practices across diverse school contexts. Parent Engagement Conference Australia with The Smith Family, Maximising every child’s potential, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 6-8 June 2017.
Exley, Beryl and Willis, Linda-Dianne (2017). Children’s pedagogic rights in an open access travel blog: engaging in virtual spaces with one’s nearest and dearest. Digital Media Research Centre Symposium: At home with digital media, Kelvin Grove, QLD, Australia, 2-3 November 2017.
Willis, Linda-Dianne and Exley, Beryl (2017). Parents’ pedagogic rights: using a Bernsteinian approach to analyse parent-teacher engagement in a coteaching and cogenerative dialoguing project. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 26-30 December 2017.
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Povey, Jenny, Hodges, Julie, Carroll, Annemarie and Antrobus, Emma (2017). What knowledge and strategies do principals, who appear to facilitate effective parent-school-community engagement, use?. Queensland Department of Education Research Showcase, 30 Mary Street Brisbane, 14 November 2017.
Exley, Beryl and Willis, Linda-Dianne (2017). Engaging parents in curriculum delivery via social media: establishing identities and legitimating communication in the early years. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 26-30 December 2017.
Willis, Linda (2017). Affordances and challenges of engaging parents in student learning using social media. Parent Engagement Conference Australia with The Smith Family, Maximising every child’s potential, Pullman Hotel, Albert Park, Melbourne, VIC, 6-8 June 2017.
Willis, Linda and Exley, Beryl (2017). Using social media to engage parents in school curriculum: Implications for literacy teaching in the early years. Australian Association for the Teaching of English and Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (AATE/ALEA) National Conference, Cutting edge: Margin to mainstream, Wrest Point, Hobart, Tasmania, 6-9 July 2017.
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Povey, Jenny, Hodges, Julie and Carroll, Annemarie (2016). Why do some disadvantaged Queensland schools appear to be better at parent engagement than others?. Department of Education Australian Research Council Showcase Symposium: Research Partnerships Making a Difference, 30 Mary Street Brisbane, 21 November 2016.
Heck, D., Forgasz, R., White, S, Williams, J., Tobin, K, Ambrosetti, A and Willis, L.-D (2016). Theorising the third space of Professional Experience partnerships. Australia Teacher Education Association (ATEA) Conference, Ballarat, Australia, 3-6 July 2016.
Willis, L-D and Cawte, K. (2016). ‘From little things big things grow’: Introducing a model for reimagining the professional experience within university-school partnerships. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28 November to 1 December 2016.
Willis, L-D (2015). Writing for ALEA’s journals - Practical Literacies: the Early and Primary Years, Literacy Learning: the Middle Years and the Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. Australian Association for the Teaching of English and Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (AATE/ALEA) National Conference, Canberra, Australia, 3-6 July 2015.
Willis, Linda (2015). Promoting English and literacy through global education: Transforming student outcomes. Australian Association for the Teaching of English and Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (AATE/ALEA) National Conference, Canberra, Australia, 3-6 July, 2015.
Willis, L-D (2014). Coteaching for Social and Citizenship Education in a pre-service teacher education course. Social and Citizenship Education Association of Australia (SCEAA) National Conference, Canberra, Australia, 24-26 September 2014.
Willis, Linda (2014). Exploring participatory methods in a teacher-education program. Australian Teacher Educators’ Association (ATEA) National Conference, North Sydney, Australia, 6-9 July, 2014.
Willis, Linda (2014). Exploring cogenerativity for building communities of practice in a new teacher-education program. Australian Association for Research in Education and New Zealand Association for Research in Education Joint Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 30 November - 4 December, 2014.
Willis, L-D (2013). Integrating the Cross-Curriculum Priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures and Sustainability in the classroom. The Social Educators’ Association of Queensland Conference,, Brisbane, Australia, 12 October 2013.
Willis, L. and Menzie, K (2013). Recognising opportunities to develop the General Capabilities in middle-years English. Australia Association for the Teaching of English and Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (AATE/ALEA) National Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 4-7 July, 2013.
Willis, Linda-Dianne (2011). Engaging parents in STEM: Coteaching and cogenerative dialoguing in a Queensland high school. STEM in Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 26-27 November 2010. Brisbane, Australia: STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Education.
Willis, Linda-Dianne (2009). A multiliteracies project in the middle school: parents as coteachers. 2009 AATE/ALEA National Conference, Hobart, Australia, 9-12 July 2009. Hobart, Australia: 2009 AATE/ALEA National Conference.
Research Report
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Povey, Jenny, Hodges, Julie, Carroll, Annemaree, Pedde, Charley and Campbell, Alice (2018). What gives some Principals the edge on parent-school-community engagement? Principal leadership for engaging parents and community in disadvantaged schools: four case studies. Brisbane, Queensland: The University of Queensland.
Working Paper
Povey, Jenny, Campbell, Alice, Willis, Linda, Haynes, Michele, Western, Mark, Bennett, Sarah, Antrobus, Emma and Pedde, Charley (2016). Engaging parents in schools and building parent-school partnerships: the role of school and parent organisation leadership. LCC Working Paper Series. 2016-07. Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland.
Willis, Linda-Dianne (2013). Parent-teacher engagement: a coteaching and cogenerative dialoguing approach. PhD Thesis, Centre for Learning Innovation, Faculty of Education, Queensland University of Technology.
Seminar Papers
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Povey, Jenny, Hodges, Julie and Dolley, Christine (2018). Engage to learn: working in partnership with families. Research Showcase Series. Queensland Department of Education, Queensland Department of Education.
Povey, J., Willis, L.-D. and Hodges, J. (2018). Why do some schools appear to be better at parent engagement than others? Investigating exemplary principal leadership practices. Lynch School of Education Lunchtime seminar. Lynch School of Education, Boston College, Boston, United States.
Povey, J., Willis, L.-D. and Hodges, J. (2018). Why do some schools appear to be better at parent engagement than others? Investigating exemplary principal leadership practices. Behavioural Insights Parenting Lab, University of Chicago.
Willis, Linda-Dianne, Povey, Jenny and Hodges, Julie (2018). Principal leadership for parent-school-community engagement in disadvantaged schools. Research Forum Series. Queensland Department of Education, Queensland Department of Education.