Dr Karen Moni
Honorary Associate Professor
School of Education
3365 3072
Researcher biography
Literacy, teacher education, literacy and intellectual disability, teaching and learning in higher education
Associate Professor Karen Moni has had extensive experience teaching and researching in the field of English and literacy education. Her research interests include adolescent literacy and literature, literacy and young adults with intellectual disabilities, teacher education and teaching and learning in higher education. Dr Moni is also the Exectiuve Director of Latch-On a research and teaching program focusing on literacy and young adults with intellectual disabilities and continues to research in the area of intellectual disability
Featured projects | Duration |
Latch-On | 1998 |
Book Chapters
Moni, Karen and Hay, Ian (2019). Secondary school and beyond. Education for inclusion and diversity. (pp. 365-399) edited by Adrian Ashman. Melbourne, Australia: Pearson Education Australia.
Mohamed, Mimi, Moni, Karen and Mills, Carmen (2015). Professional identity and English language teaching in a discipline-specific context. Current issues in second/foreign language teaching and teacher development: research and practice. (pp. 85-103) edited by Christina Gitsaki and Thomai Alexiou. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Wang, Ping, Gitsaki, Christina and Moni, Karen (2015). A study of teacher reflection in a community of practice for professional development. Current issues in second/foreign language teaching and teacher development: research and practice. (pp. 53-69) edited by Christina Gitsaki and Thomai Alexiou. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Moni, Karen B. and Hay, Ian (2015). Secondary school and beyond. Education for inclusion and diversity. (pp. 333-364) edited by Adrian Ashman. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Pearson Australia.
Moni, Karen B. and Jobling, Anne (2014). Challenging literate invisibility: continuing literacy education for young adults and adults with Down Syndrome. Educating Learners with Down Syndrome: Research, theory, and practice with children and adolescents. (pp. 221-237) edited by Rhonda Faragher and Barbara Clarke. Abingdon, Oxon, U.K.: Routledge.
Ali, Nor Liza, Hamid, M. Obaidul and Moni, Karen (2012). English in primary education in Malaysia: policies, outcomes and stakeholders' lived experiences. Language planning in primary schools in Asia. (pp. 43-62) edited by Richard B. Baldauf, Robert B. Kaplan, Nkonko M. Kamwangamalu and Pauline Bryant. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Moni, Karen B. and Hay, Ian (2012). Secondary school and beyond. Education for Inclusion and Diversity. (pp. 325-359) edited by Adrian Ashman and John Elkins. Frenchs Forest, NSW, Australia: Pearson.
van Kraayenoord, Christina E, Moni, Karen B, Jobling, Anne, Elkins, John, Koppenhaver, David and Miller, Robyn (2011). The writing achievement, metacognitive knowledge of writing and motivation of middle-school students with learning difficulties. Multiple perspectives on difficulties in learning literacy and numeracy. (pp. 213-234) edited by Claire Wyatt-Smith, John Elkins and Stephanie Gunn. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-8864-3_10
Moni, Karen (2011). Dream on : Storytelling, reality and identity. English for the Australian curriculum. Book 1. (pp. 220-251) edited by Brenton Doecke and Graham Parr. Port Melbourne, Vic., Australia: Cambridge University Press.
Wang, Ping, Gitsaki, Christina and Moni, Karen (2011). Cultivating leadership skills among teachers through professional development. Leadership and management in English language teaching. (pp. 185-202) edited by Christine Coombe, Lauren Stephenson and Sufian Abu-Rmaileh. Dubai, UAE: TESOL Arabia.
Anders, D., Gitsaki, C. and Moni, K. (2009). Australian values education policy: The official discourse. Studies in Applied Linguistics and Language Learning. (pp. 139-157) edited by A. Mahboob and C. Lipovsky. United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Moni, K. and Hay, I. (2009). Secondary school and transitions. Education for Inclusion and Diversity. (pp. 305-336) edited by A. Ashman and J. Elkins. Frenches Forest, NSW.: Pearson Education Australia.
Liando, Nihta, Baldauf, Richard and Moni, Karen (2007). What do university students say about their motivation in learning English as a foreign language?. Language and Languages: Global and Local Tensions. (pp. 114-129) edited by Christina Gitsaki. Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Moni, K B (2006). Beyond the comfort zone: Developing effective strategies for supporting beginning English teachers to cater for diversity. Only Connect: English Teaching, Schooling and Community. (pp. 356-369) edited by B. Doecke, M. Howie and W. Sawyer. Kent Town, SA: Wakefield Press.
Liando, Nihta, Moni, Karen and Baldauf, Richard (2005). Student motivation in learning English as a foreign language in an Indonesian context. Researching Identity, Diversity and Education: Surpassing the Norm. (pp. 168-179) edited by Julie Yamanashi and Ivana Milojevic.. Teneriffe, QLD, Australia: Post Pressed.
van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Moni, K. B. (2003). Practices of literacy assessment in the classroom. The Literacy Lexicon. (pp. 290-302) edited by Geoff Bull and Michele Anstey. Australia: Prentice Hall.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Moni, K. B., Jobling, M.A. and Ziebarth, K. (2002). Broadening approaches to literacy education for young adults with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Across the Life Span. (pp. 81-92) edited by M. Cuskelly, A. Jobling and S. Buckley. London: Whurr. doi: 10.1002/9780470777886.ch7
Moni, K. B. and Kapitzke, C. (2001). Mapping current preservice teacher education programs. Literacy in Teacher Education: Standards for Preservice Programs. (pp. 72-84) edited by B. Corcoran. Toowong, Qld: Board of Teacher Registration.
Moni, K. B. and Kapitzke, C. (2001). Consultation with teachers and student teachers. Literacy in Teacher Education: Standards for Preservice Programs. (pp. 54-71) edited by B. Corcoran. Toowong, Qld: Board of Teacher Registration.
Moni, K. (1999). 'She was telling us about the oral thing': Different versions of an oral assessment task in one high school English classroom. Educational research in new times: Imagining communities for diversity and inclusiveness. (pp. 57-62) edited by Karen Chalmers, Samuela Bogitini and Peter Renshaw. Flaxton, Queensland: Post Pressed.
Journal Articles
Cuskelly, Monica, Moni, Karen, McMahon, Mary, Jobling, Anne and Lloyd, Jan (2024). Preparing adults with intellectual disabilities for their future: how do support services staff view their role?. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 37 (1) e13180, e13180. doi: 10.1111/jar.13180
Wong, Wai Yee Amy, Thistlethwaite, Jill, Moni, Karen and Roberts, Chris (2022). Using cultural historical activity theory to reflect on the sociocultural complexities in OSCE examiners’ judgements. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 28 (1), 27-46. doi: 10.1007/s10459-022-10139-1
Wong, Wai Yee Amy, Moni, Karen, Roberts, Chris and Thistlethwaite, Jill (2022). Engaging clinical examiners with structured feedback to enhance assessment practices. Medical Teacher, 44 (8), 1-8. doi: 10.1080/0142159x.2022.2049734
Lloyd, Janette, Moni, Karen, Cuskelly, Monica and Jobling, Anne (2022). The National Disability Insurance Scheme: voices of adults with intellectual disabilities. Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 9 (1), 1-9. doi: 10.1080/23297018.2021.2004382
Lloyd, Janette, Moni, Karen, Cuskelly, Monica and Jobling, Anne (2021). National disability insurance scheme: is it creating an ordinary life for adults with intellectual disability?. Disability and Society, 38 (1), 1-9. doi: 10.1080/09687599.2021.1907548
Lloyd, Jan, Moni, Karen, Cuskelly, Monica and Jobling, Anne (2020). Exploring the complexity of implementing National Disability Insurance Scheme plans for adults with intellectual disability: parents’ perspectives. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 46 (3), 1-10. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2020.1843764
Cuskelly, Monica, Moni, Karen, McMahon, Mary, Jobling, Anne, Lloyd, Jan and Leggatt-Cook, Chez (2020). Futures of adults with intellectual disability: staff expectations. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 46 (4), 1-10. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2020.1814490
Olave-Encina, Karen, Moni, Karen and Renshaw, Peter (2020). Exploring the emotions of international students about their feedback experiences. Higher Education Research and Development, 40 (4), 1-15. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2020.1786020
McMahon, Mary, Moni, Karen, Cuskelly, Monica, Lloyd, Jan and Jobling, Anne (2020). Aspirations held by young adults with intellectual disabilities and their mothers. Australian Journal of Career Development, 29 (2), 107-116. doi: 10.1177/1038416220916813
Lloyd, Jan, Moni, Karen, Cuskelly, Monica and Jobling, Anne (2019). Engaging with National Disability Insurance Scheme planning: perspectives of parents of an adult with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 45 (3), 1-10. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2019.1654275
Hajar, Siti, Honan, Eileen and Moni, Karen (2019). Governmentality and reflective practice of EFL teachers through CBAR in a remote school in Indonesia. Professional Development in Education, 46 (3), 1-13. doi: 10.1080/19415257.2019.1634629
Lloyd, Janette, Jobling, Anne, White, Emma Louise, Labosse, Michel, Moni, Karen, Cuskelly, Monica and McMahon, Mary (2019). A dialogic approach to working inclusively in a Research Reference Committee. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 47 (1), 35-41. doi: 10.1111/bld.12253
Moni, Karen, Jobling, Anne and Baffour, Bernie (2018). Literacy learning outcomes in a longitudinal study of a postschool literacy education program for young adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 15 (2), 155-165. doi: 10.1111/jppi.12247
Mann, Glenys, Cuskelly, Monica and Moni, Karen (2018). An investigation of parents' decisions to transfer children from regular to special schools. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 15 (3), 183-192. doi: 10.1111/jppi.12238
Nguyen, Huong Thu, Hamid, M. Obaidul and Moni, Karen (2016). English-medium instruction and self-governance in higher education: the journey of a Vietnamese university through the institutional autonomy regime. Higher Education, 72 (5), 669-683. doi: 10.1007/s10734-015-9970-y
Mann, Glenys, Moni, Karen and Cuskelly, Monica (2016). Parents’ views of an optimal school life: using Social Role Valorization to explore differences in parental perspectives when children have intellectual disability. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 29 (7), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/09518398.2016.1174893
Mann, Glenys, Cuskelly, Monica and Moni, Karen (2015). Choosing a school: parental decision-making when special schools are an option. Disability and Society, 30 (9), 1413-1427. doi: 10.1080/09687599.2015.1108182
Morgan, Michelle F., Moni, Karen B. and Cuskelly, Monica (2015). The development of research skills in young adults with intellectual disability in participatory research. International Journal of Disability Development and Education, 62 (4), 438-457. doi: 10.1080/1034912X.2015.1028905
Tran, Trang Thi Thu and Moni, Karen (2015). Management of foreign language anxiety: Insiders' awareness and experiences. Cogent Education, 2 (1) 992593, 992593. doi: 10.1080/2331186X.2014.992593
Morgan, Michelle F., Cuskelly, Monica and Moni, Karen B. (2014). Unanticipated ethical issues in a participatory research project with individuals with intellectual disability. Disability and Society, 29 (8), 1305-1318. doi: 10.1080/09687599.2014.934440
Moni, Karen B., Thein, Amanda Haertling and Brindley, Sue (2014). Editorial: English curriculum in the current moment: Tensions between policy and professionalism. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 13 (1), 1-7.
Jobling, Ian, Cooper, Kim, Moni, Karen, Jobling, Anne and Lloyd, Jan (2014). An Olympic themed education resource for secondary school students with low literacy skill. Journal of Olympic Education, 2 (04/2013 - 03/2014), 31-34.
Moni, Karen B. (2014). Introduction to 'A Part of the Continent" - Professional Identity, Professional Learning Communities' by Terry Hayes with Reflections by Mark Howie and Scott Bulfin. English in Australia, 49 (2), 75-76.
Moni, Karen, Hayes, Terry and Howie, Mark (2014). Learning (to learn) against the grain?. English in Australia, 49 (2), 83-85.
Morgan, Michelle F., Moni, Karen B. and Cuskelly, Monica (2013). Literacy strategies used by adults with intellectual disability in negotiating their everyday community environments. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 53 (3), 411-435.
Wong, Wai Yee and Moni, Karen (2013). Teachers' perceptions of and responses to student evaluation of teaching: purposes and uses in clinical education. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 39 (4), 397-411. doi: 10.1080/02602938.2013.844222
Trang, Tran Thi Thu, Baldauf Jr., Richard B. and Moni, Karen (2013). Investigating the development of foreign language anxiety: an autobiographical approach. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 34 (7), 709-726. doi: 10.1080/01434632.2013.796959
Cuskelly, Monica, Moni, Karen, Lloyd, Jan and Jobling, Anne (2013). Reliability of a method for establishing the capacity of individuals with an intellectual disability to respond to Likert scales. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 38 (4), 318-324. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2013.832734
Tran, Thi Thu Trang, Moni, Karen and Baldauf, Richard B., Jr. (2013). Foreign language anxiety: understanding its sources and effects from insiders' perspectives. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 10 (1), 95-131.
Tran, Thi Thu Trang, Baldauf, Richard B. Jr. and Moni, Karen (2013). Foreign language anxiety: understanding its status and insiders' awareness and attitudes. TESOL Quarterly, 47 (2), 216-243. doi: 10.1002/tesq.85
Moni, Karen (2012). Keep your eyes on the horizon and your feet on the ground: some reflections on implementing the Australian Curriculum: English. English in Australia, 47 (3), 13-19.
Moni, Karen (2012). 2011 QIEU/ETAQ/James Cook University Literary Competition: Judge's Report - Section E, Open (Teachers). Words' Worth, 45 (3), 13-14.
Tran, Thi Thu Trang, Moni, Karen and Baldauf, Richard B., Jr (2012). Foreign language anxiety and its effects on studets' determination to study English: to abandon or not to abandon?. TESOL in Context, Special Edition S3, 1-14.
Moni, Karen and Durrant, Cal (2012). Locating the local in the national. English in Australia, 47 (3), 2-3.
Gaunt, Lorraine, Moni, Karen B. and Jobling, Anne (2012). Developing numeracy in young adults with Down Syndrome: a preliminary investigation of specific teaching strategies. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 18 (2), 8-23.
Moni, Karen and Durrant, Cal (2012). Locating the local in the national. English in Australia, 47 (3), 2-3.
Moni, Karen B., Jobling, Anne, Morgan, Michelle and Lloyd, Jan (2011). Promoting literacy for adults with intellectual disabilities in a community-based service organisation. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 51 (3), 456-478.
van Kraayenoord, Christina E., Honan, Eileen and Moni, Karen B. (2011). Negotiating knowledge in a researcher and teacher collaborative research partnership. Teacher Development, 15 (4), 403-420. doi: 10.1080/13664530.2011.635267
Ali, Nor Liza, Hamid, M. Obaidul and Moni, Karen (2011). English in primary education in Malaysia: Policies, outcomes and stakeholders' lived experiences. Current Issues in Language Planning, 12 (2), 147-166. doi: 10.1080/14664208.2011.584371
Morgan, Michelle F., Cuskelly, Monica and Moni, Karen B. (2011). Broadening the conceptualization of literacy in the lives of adults with intellectual disability. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 36 (3-4), 112-120. doi: 10.2511/027494811800824516
Moni, Karen (2010). Editorial. English in Australia, 45 (3), 2-4.
Moni, Karen (2010). Editorial. English in Australia, 45 (2), 2-4.
Moni, Karen and Jobling, Anne (2010). Using photographs to scaffold literacy activities with young adults with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 12 (2), 98-102. doi: 10.3104/practice.2134
Moni, Karen (2010). Editorial. English in Australia, 45 (1), 2-6.
Moni, Karen (2009). Editorial. English in Australia, 44 (3), 2-3.
van Kraayenoord, Christina E., Miller, Robyn, Moni, Karen B. and Jobling, Anne (2009). Teaching writing to students with learning difficulties in inclusive English classrooms: Lessons from an exemplary teacher. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 8 (1), 23-51.
Moni, Karen (2009). Editorial. English in Australia, 44 (1), 2-2.
Moni, Karen (2009). Editorial. English in Australia, 44 (2), 2-2.
Morgan, M., Moni, K. and Jobling, A. (2009). Who? Where? What? When? Why? How? Question words - What do they mean?. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 37 (3), 178-185. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-3156.2008.00539.x
Moni, K. B. and Jobling, A. (2008). A case for including popular culture in literacy education for young adults with Down syndrome. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 31 (3), 260-277.
Morgan, Michelle F. and Moni, Karen B. (2008). Meeting the challenge of limited literacy resources for adolescents and adults with intellectual disabilities. British Journal of Special Education, 35 (2), 92-101. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8578.2008.00378.x
Moni, R. W. and Moni, K. B. (2008). Student perceptions and use of an assessment rubric for a group concept map in physiology. Advances in Physiology Education, 32 (1), 47-54. doi: 10.1152/advan.00030.2007
van Kraayenoord, Christina E., Honan, Eileen, Moni, Karen B. and Miller, Robyn (2008). A successful professional learning research project: "Improving and sustaining literacy through pedagogical change". Curriculum Matters, 7 (1), 18-21.
Moni, Karen (2008). Editorial. English in Australia, 43 (1), 2-3.
Moni, Karen (2008). Editorial. English in Australia, 43 (2), 2-3.
Anders, Dana, Moni, Karen and Gitsaki, Christina (2008). The classroom teacher: making a difference through values education. The Social Educator, 26 (2), 11-18.
Moni, Roger W., Hryciw, Deanne H., Poronnik, Philip, Lluka, Lesley J. and Moni, Karen B. (2007). Assessing core manipulative skills in a large, first-year laboratory. Advances In Physiology Education, 31 (3), 266-269. doi: 10.1152/advan.00020.2007
Moni, Roger W., Hryciw, Deanne H., Poronnik, Philip and Moni, Karen B. (2007). Using explicit teaching to improve how bioscience students write to the lay public. Advances In Physiology Education, 31 (2), 167-175. doi: 10.1152/advan.00111.2006
Moni, K. B., Jobling, M. A. and van Kraayenoord, C. E. (2007). ‘They’re a lot cleverer than I thought': challenging perceptions of disability support staff as they tutor in an adult literacy program. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 26 (4), 439-459. doi: 10.1080/02601370701417269
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Honan, E., Moni, K. B. and Miller, R. (2007). Improving and sustaining literacy through pedagogical change: A project with Brisbane Catholic Education. Curriculum Matters, 6 (2), 18-18.
Moni, K. B., Jobling, M. A., van Kraayenoord, C. E., Elkins, J., Miller, R. and Koppenhaver, D. (2007). Teachers' knowledge, attitudes and the implementation of practices around the teaching of writing in inclusive middle years' classrooms: No quick fix. Educational and Child Psychology, 24 (3), 18-36.
Morgan, M. and Moni, K. B. (2007). Motivate students with disabilities using sight-vocabulary activities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 42 (4), 229-233. doi: 10.1177/10534512070420040701
Moni, RW, Moni, KB, Poronnik, P and Lluka, LJ (2007). Biohorizons - An eConference to assess human biology in large, first-year classes. Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Education, 35 (4), 255-262. doi: 10.1002/bambed.71
Moni, Roger W., Moni, Karen B., Lluka, Lesley J. and Poronnik, Philip (2007). The personal response - A novel writing assignment to engage first year students in large human biology classes. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 35 (2), 89-96. doi: 10.1002/bmb.4
Morgan, Michelleare, Moni, Karen B. and Jobling, Margaret A. (2006). Code-breaker: Developing phonics with a young adult with an intellectual disability. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 50 (1), 52-65. doi: 10.1598/JAAL.50.1.6
Lloyd, J., Moni, K B and Jobling, M A (2006). Breaking the hype cycle: Using the computer effectively with learners with intellectual disabilities. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 9 (3), 68-74. doi: 10.3104/practice.296
Moni, R. W., Beswick, E. and Moni, K. B. (2005). Using student feedback to construct an assessment rubric for a concept map in physiology. Advances In Physiology Education, 29 (4), 197-203. doi: 10.1152/advan.00066.2004
Moni, K. B. (2005). Presidential matters: The joy of English teaching. English Matters, 1-4.
Moni, K. B. (2005). Editorial. English in Australia (144), 3-3.
Moni, K. B. (2005). Editorial. English in Australia (142), 3-5.
Moni, K. B. (2005). Editorial. English in Australia (143), 3-5.
Morgan, M and Moni, KB (2005). Use phonies activities to motivate learners with difficulties. Intervention In School And Clinic, 41 (1), 42-45. doi: 10.1177/10534512050410011101
Jobling, Anne and Moni, Karen B. (2004). 'I never imagined I'd have to teach these children': Providing authentic learning experiences for secondary pre-service teachers in teaching students with special needs. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 32 (1), 5-22. doi: 10.1080/1359866042000206026
Young, L., Moni, K. B., Jobling, A. and van Kraayenoord, C. E. (2004). Literacy skills of adults with intellectual disability in community-based day programs. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 51 (1), 83-97. doi: 10.1080/1034912042000182210
Moni, K. B. (2004). Book review: Literacy for living book 1. Intellectual Disability Australasia, 25 (2), 12-13.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Moni, K.B., Jobling, M. A., Koppenhaver, D. and Elkins, J. (2004). Developing the writing of middle school students with developmental disabilities: The writeideas model of writing. Literacy Learning: the Middle Years, 12 (2), 36-46.
Morgan, M. F., Moni, K. B. and Jobling, A. (2004). What's it all about? Investigating reading comprehension strategies in young adults with down syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 9 (2), 37-44. doi: 10.3104/reports.290
Moni, K. B., van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Baker, C.D. (2003). An investigation of discourses of literacy assessment in two first year high school English classrooms. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 26 (1), 67-83.
Bean, T. W. and Moni, K. (2003). Developing students' critical literacy: Exploring identity construction in young adult fiction. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 46 (8), 638-648.
Rombouts, A. and Moni, K. B. (2003). A leap in the dark: Grappling with the gothic. Words'Worth, 36 (4), 56-59.
Moni, K. B. (2003). ETAQ's response to the March draft of the Queensland Studies Authority's Years 1 to 10 English syllabus. English Matters, 3 (2003), 1-4.
Moni, K. B. (2003). President's AGM Address. English Matters, 2 (1), 1-3.
Moni, K. B. (2003). Review of When the Hurly Burly's Done: What's Worth Fighting for in English Education? by T. Burgess, C Fox & J. Goody. English in Australia, 137, 12-13.
Moni, K. B. (2003). Review of Perverse, All Monstrous, All Prodigious Things by P. Pullman. English in Australia, 137, 12-13.
Moni, K. (2003). Around the States. English in Australia, 138 (Spring 2003), 5-6.
Moni, Karen, van Kraayenoord, Christina and Baker, Carolyn (2003). Reading the texts of assessment task sheets in two Year 8 English classrooms. Language and Education, 17 (1), 42-58. doi: 10.1080/09500780308666837
Moni, Karen, van Kraayenoord, Christina E. and Baker, Carolyn D. (2003). An investigation of discourses of literacy assessment in two first year high school English classrooms. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 7 (1)
Moni, K. B. (2002). Presidential matters. English Matters (4), 1-2.
Moni, K. B. (2002). Presidential matters. English Matters (3), 1-2.
Moni, K. B. (2002). Presidential matters. English Matters (2), 1-2.
Moni, K. B. (2002). President's report. English Matters (1), 1-2.
Moni, K. B. (2002). Literate futures -- Taking stock: Developing a community profile. Education Views, November 2, 13-14.
Moni, Karen, van Kraayenoord, Christina and Baker, Carolyn (2002). Students’ perceptions of literacy assessment. Assessment in Education, 9 (3), 319-342. doi: 10.1080/0969594022000027654
Gallaher, K., van Kraayenoord, C. E., Jobling, M.A. and Moni, K. B. (2002). Reading with Abby: A case study of individual tutoring with a young adult with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 8 (2), 59-66.
Gallaher, Kelly M., van Kraayenoord, Christina E., Jobling, Anne and Moni, Karen B. (2002). Reading with Abby: a case study of individual tutoring with a young adult with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 8 (2), 59-66. doi: 10.3104/case-studies.131
van Kraayenoord, C E., Moni, K. B. and Jobling, A. (2001). Putting it all together: Building a community of practice for learners with special needs. Reading Online, 5 (4).
Moni, K. B. (2001). President's report. English Matters, Newsletter (4), 1-2.
Moni, K. B. (2001). President's report. English Matters, Newsletter (3), 1-2.
Moni, K. B. (2001). Into giant's shoes. English Matters, Newsletter (2), 1-1.
Goos, M. E. and Moni, K. B. (2001). Modelling professional practice: A collaborative approach to developing criteria and standards-based assessment in pre-service teacher education courses. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 26 (1), 74-88.
Moni, Karen B. and Jobling, Margaret A. (2001). Reading-related literacy learning of young adults with Down syndrome: Findings from a three year teaching and research program. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 48 (4), 377-394. doi: 10.1080/10349120120094275
Goos, Merrilyn and Moni, Karen (2001). Modelling Professional Practice: A collaborative approach to developing criteria and standards-based assessment in pre-service teacher education courses. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 26 (1), 73-88. doi: 10.1080/02602930020022291a
Jobling, Anne, Moni, Karen B. and Nolan, Andrew (2000). Understanding friendship: Young adults with Down syndrome exploring relationships. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 25 (3), 235-245. doi: 10.1080/13269780050144299
Moni, K. B. and Jobling, A. M. A. (2000). Effective literacy strategies for inclusive English classrooms--Some suggestions. Words'Worth, 33 (3), 3-6.
Moni, K (2000). Deadly Unna?. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 44 (3), 299-300.
Jobling, A. M. A., Moni, K. B. and Nolan, A. (2000). Understanding friendship: Young adults with Down syndrome exploring relationships. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 25 (3), 235-245. doi: 10.1080/13668250020006321
Moni, K. B. (2000). Review of P. Gwynne (1998) 'Deadly unna?'. Jourrnal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 44 (3), 299-300.
Moni, K. B. (2000). First contact: Preservice English teachers review young adult literature. Jourrnal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 44 (3), 297-299.
Moni, K. B. and Jobling, A. (2000). LATCH-ON: A program to develop literacy in young adults with Down syndrome. Jourrnal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 44 (1), 40-49.
Moni, K. B. and Jobling, A. M. A. (2000). Ignoring the frontiers: poetry and young adults with Down syndrome. Social Alternatives, 19 (3), 36-39.
Moni, K. B. and Jobling, M. A. (1999). Ten practical strategies for developing literacy skills with students with intellectual disabilities. AASE Qld Newsletter, 21 (4), 4-6.
van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Moni, K. B. (1999). At the beach .... Practically Primary, 4 (2), 35-37.
van Kraayenoord, Christina E., Barnett, Jenny, Roberts, David and Moni, Karen B. (1999). Literacy assessment and student diversity: An Australian case study. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 46 (1), 51-70. doi: 10.1080/103491299100722
Moni, Karen, van Kraayenoord, Christina and Baker, Carolyn (1999). English teachers' perceptions of literacy assessment in the first year of secondary school. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 3 (1), 26-39.
van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Moni, K. (1997). Students' voices: Literacy assessment in secondary schools. Literacy Learning: Secondary Thoughts, 5 (2), 33-49.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Ashman, A. F., Moni, K. B., Ballinger, M., Coleman, J. and Charlton, S. (1994). Comprehensive reading instruction for students with learning difficulties. Australian Reading Association Special Interest Group Newsletter—Learning Difficulties, 2, 13-18.
Conference Papers
Cuskelly, M., Jobling, A., Lloyd, J., McMahon, M. and Moni, K. (2024). Post school lives of adults with intellectual disability-a career development perspective. Re‐imagining Connections, The 17th IASSIDD World Congress, Chicago, IL, United States, 5-8 August 2024. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/jir.13166
Gaunt, Lorraine, Visnovska, Jana and Moni, Karen (2019). Designing individual goals to enhance the numeracy of adults with intellectual disabilities. The 42nd annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Perth, WA Australia, 29 June-4 July 2019. Perth, WA Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
Jobling, A., Moni, K. and Lloyd, J. (2019). Adults with ID and their literacy learning: strategies for success. IASSIDD 2019, Glascow, Scotland, 6-9 August 2019. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.
Martin, L., Scanlon, I., Lloyd, J., Jobling, A. and Moni, K. (2019). Enhancing quality of life through literacy learning across the lifespan: the case study of a 65 year old woman with down syndrome. *, *, *. Hoboken, NJ, United States: Wiley.
Jobling, A., Cuskelly, M., Lloyd, J., Moni, K. and McMahon, M. (2019). Visual supports to enhance the participation in research of adults in intellectual disability. IASSIDD 2019, Glascow, Scotland, 6-9 August 2019. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.
Lloyd, J., Moni, K., Cuskelly, M. and Jobling, A. (2019). Family perceptions of the implementation of national disability insurance scheme in australia. *, *, *. Hoboken, NJ, United States: Wiley.
Mann, G., Cuskelly, M. and Moni, K. (2018). The contribution that Social Role Valorisation can make to inclusive education reform. Fifth International IASSIDD Europe Congress, Athens, Greece, 17–20 July. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/jar.12484
Moni, K. and Lloyd, J. (2018). Becoming literate: who me?. Fifth International IASSIDD Europe Congress , Athens, Greece, 17–20 July 2018. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Leathwick, Sandra, Matthews, Kelly E., Enright, Eimear and Moni, Karen (2018). Valuing the expertise of underrepresented students in teaching and learning partnerships. Higher Education Research & Development Society, Adelaide, SA Australia, 3-6 July 2018.
Matt, Inge, Duck, Julie, Moni, Karen and Frost, Chris (2017). Strengthening the first-year gateways: a collaborative approach to facilitating curriculum transformation. 40th HERDSA Annual Internation Conference, International Convention Centre Sydney, Australia, 27-30 June 2017. Hammondville NSW Australia: Higher Education Research and development Society of Australasia.
Moni, K., de Paor, G. and Jobling, A. (2016). Developing receptive language abilities of adults with Down syndrome: An Irish case study. HOBOKEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL.
Mann, G., Cuskelly, M. and Moni, K. (2016). An investigation of parents' decision to transfer their children from regular to special schools. HOBOKEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL.
Moni, K., Jobling, A. and Lloyd, J. (2016). Developing language abilities of young adults with intellectual disabilities through an adult literacy program. Unknown, Unknown, Unknown. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Lloyd, J., Cuskelly, M., Moni, K., McMahon, M. and Jobling, A. (2016). Parental aspirations regarding employment of young adults with intellectual disabilities. , , . Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/jir.12305
Moni, K., Cuskelly, M., McMahon, M., Jobling, A. and Lloyd, J. (2016). Family perceptions of the roles of service organisations in the lives of young people with intellectual disabilities. , , . Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/jir.12305
Lloyd, J., White, E., Labosse, M., Jobling, A., Cuskelly, M., Moni, K. and McMahon, M. (2016). Exploring the role and experiences of young adults with intellectual disabilities participating in a reference committee. , , . Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/jir.12306
Cuskelly, M., Moni, K. B., McMahon, M. and Lloyd, J. (2014). Support staff views of the futures of adults with intellectual disability. 4th International IASSIDD Europe Regional Congress, Vienna, 14-17 July 2014. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/jar.12105
Bradshaw Moni, Karen (2013). Community perspectives on literacy for adults with intellectual disabilities. 3rd IASSIDD Asia-Pacific Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 22-24 August 2013. Hoboken, NJ, United States: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1111/jppi.12029
Bradshaw Moni, Karen and Jobling, Anne (2013). Outcomes from a longitudinal literacy research program for adults with intellectual disabilities. 3rd IASSIDD Asia-Pacific Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 22-24 August 2013. Hoboken, NJ, United States: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1111/jppi.12029
Honan, E., Muspratt, S., van Kraayenoord, C. E., Gillies, R., Moni, K. and Moni, R. (2013). Re-invigorating community-school relations around the teaching of reading. Brave New World: ATTE/ALEA Joint National Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4-7 July 2013.
Moni, K, Jobling, A and Lloyd, J (2012). Understanding young adults' and family goals for post school literacy education. 2012 IASSIDWorld Congress, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 9-14 July 2012. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01583_4.x
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Gillies, R., Honan, E., Moni, K., Western, M., Brereton, D. and Muspratt, S. (2012). Support teachers’ self-perceptions of their knowledge and pedagogical practices related to reading comprehension. 36th Annual International Academy for Research In Learning Disabilities Conference, Padua, Italy, 7-9 June 2012.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Gillies, R., Honan, E., Moni, K., Western, M. and Brereton, D. (2011). Developing teachers’ knowledge and pedagogical practices in rural and mining communities. Australian Teacher Education Association Conference, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 3-6 July 2011.
Matthews, Kelly E., Moni, Roger W. and Moni, Karen B. (2010). Using dimensions of teaching practice to contextualise equity and transition: A case study in first-year Human Biology. 13th Pacific Rim First Year in Higher Education Conference, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 27-30 June 2010. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: QUT Publications.
van Kraayenoord, C.E., Honan, E. and Moni, K. (2010). Learning from each other: negotiating literacy expertise in researcher and teacher collaborative partnerships. International Reading Association 23rd World Congress on Reading, Auckland, New Zealand, 12-15 July 2010.
Christina E. van Kraayenoord, Eileen M. Honan and Karen B. Moni (2009). Building teachers’ literacy knowledge and pedagogical practices: Illustrations from three primary schools. 59th National Reading Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States, 2-5 December 2009.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Moni, K., Jobling, A., Elkins, J., Miller, R. and Koppenhaver, D. (2009). The writing achievement of middle school students with learning difficulties. 33rd Annual International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities (IARLD), Wellington, New Zealand, 15-17 January 2009.
van Kraayenoord, Christina, Moni, Karen, Jobling, Anne, Elkins, John, Miller, Robyn and Koppenhaver, David (2009). The writing achievement of middle school students with developmental disabilities and learning difficulties. Earli 2009: 13th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 25-29 August 2009.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Honan, E. and Moni, K. (2008). Improving and sustaining literacy through pedagogical change. AATE/ALEA National Conference 2008: Stories, Places, Spaces: Literacy and Identity, Adelaide, Australia, 6-9 July 2008.
Van Krayenoord, C. E., Moni, K. B., Jobling, A., Koppenhaver, D. and Elkins, J. (2007). Teacher attitudes, knowledge and practices of writing in the context of instruction for students with special needs in inclusive classrooms. 11th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Nicosia, Cyprus, 23-27 August 2005.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Moni, K. B., Jobling, A., Elkins, J., Koppenhaver, D. and Miller, R. (2007). Metacognitive knowledge, attitudes and self-perceptions of writing: A study of middle school students with developmental disabilities and learning difficulties. Earli 2007: 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction: Developing Potentials for Learning, Budapest, Hungary, 28 August-1 September 2007.
Matthews, KE, Moni, KB and Moni, RW (2007). Strategies for Enhancing Equity Practices in the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Priorities of Large First-Year Classes. Equal Opportunity Practitioners in Higher Education Australasia, Melbourne University, 19-22 November. Melbourne: Equal Opportunity Practitioners in Higher Education Australasia.
Nonkukhetkhong, Kittiporn, Baldauf Jr., Richard B. and Moni, Karen (2006). Learner centeredness in teaching English as a foreign language: Teachers' voices. 26th Annual Thai TESOL International Conference: Teaching, Learning, Researching: Three Pillars of TESOL, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 19-21 January 2006. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Thailand TESOL.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Moni, K. B., Jobling, A., Koppenhaver, D., Elkins, J. and Miller, R. (2006). Teaching writing to students with learning difficulties in inclusive classrooms: Lessons from an exemplary teacher. 2006 International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities Conference, Boulder, United States, 13-15 July 2006.
van Kraayenoord, Christina E., Moni, Karen B., Jobling, Anne, Elkins, John, Miller, Robyn and Koppenhaver, David (2006). Metacognitive knowledge of writing: Students and individual differences. Earli SIG16 Metacognition Conference 2006: 2nd international biennial conference of the Metacognition Special Interest Group (SIG 16) of the European Association of Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Cambridge, U. K., 19-21 July 2006.
Moni, K B (2006). Literacy and lifelong learning: Developing oral language with young adults. 9th World Down Syndrome Congress, Vancouver, 24-26 August 2006. Burnaby, Canada: Down Syndrome Research Foundation.
Moni, K B (2006). Literacy and lifelong learning. 9th World Down Syndrome Congress, Vancouver, 24-26 August 2006. Burnaby, Canada: Down Syndrome Research Foundation.
Moni, R. W., Poronnik, P., Moni, K. B., Lluka, L. J. and Hryciw, D. H. (2006). Framing research to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in science. International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2006, National University of Singapore, 6-8 December 2006. National University of Singapore: Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning, NUS.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Moni, K. B., Jobling, A., Koppenhaver, D., Elkins, J., Muckert, T. and Miller, R. (2005). Teaching writing across the middle years of schooling: An inclusive perspective. Pleasure, Passion, Provocation: Pleasurable Learning, Passionate Teaching, Provocative Debates: AATE/ALEA Joint Annual National Conference 2005, Broadbeach, Qld., Australia, 1-4 July 2005. Norwood, S.A., Australia: Australian Association for the Teaching of English and Australian Literacy Educators' Association.
Jobling, A. and Moni, K. B. (2004). Literacy: the Latch-On experience. 12th World Congress, International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability (IASSID), Montpellier, France, 14-19 June 2004. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2004.00608.x
Morgan, Michelle, Moni, Karen B. and Jobling, Anne (2004). What’s it all about? Investigating reading comprehension strategies in young adults with Down syndrome. 8th World Down Syndrome Congress, Singapore, 2004.
Moni, K. B., van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Jobling, A. (2003). Supporting literacy as a valued activity in community-based services. Australian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability 38th National Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 17-20 November, 2003.
van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Moni, K. B. (2003). Changes to thinking about content area literacy. 8th Conference of the International Federation of the Teaching of English, Melbourne, Australia, 5-8 July 2003.
Moni, K. B., Jobling, A. and van Kraayenoord, C. E. (2003). Literacy and intellectual disabilities: A community teaching experience. AASE/ASEAQ State Conference 2003, Toowoomba, Australia, 22-25 September, 2003. Toowoomba, Australia: Australian Association of Special Education.
Moni, K. B. and Jobling, M.A. (2002). Talking the talk? Investigating oral language in young adults with Down syndrome. AARE 2002 International Education Research Conference, Brisbane, 1-5 December 2002. Coldstream, Victoria: Australian Association for Research in Education.
Moni, K. B. (2001). A day in the life: Using photographs to scaffold literacy development in young adults with intellectual disabilities. Connections Conference 2001, Brisbane, 24-27 June 2001. Brisbane: Australian Association of Special Education.
Moni, K. B. (2001). Reading practices and young adult fiction. English Teachers' Association Annual Conference, Brisbane, 17-19 August 2001. Brisbane: English Teachers' Association.
Moni, K. B. (2001). The Four Resources Model in action: Practical teaching approaches to constructing meaning from texts for primary and secondary classrooms. Leading Literate Lives, Joint National Conference AATE and ALEA, Hobart. Hobart: AATE/ALEA.
Moni, K. B. (2001). Developing reading in young adults with Down syndrome: A report of a longitudinal teaching and research. 36th Annual Conference of ASSID, Melbourne, 12-15 November 2001. Melbourne: Aust Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability.
Moni, K. B., van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Baker, C.D. (2001). An investigation of discourses of classroom-based literacy assessment in two first year high school English classrooms. What We Know and How We Know It, Seattle, WA, United States, 10-14 April 2001. Washington, DC, United States: American Educational Research Association.
Gallaher, K., Jobling, A. M. A., Moni, K. B. and van Kraayenoord, C. E. (2000). Development of a literacy program and its effect upon the literacy learning of a young adult with Down syndrome: A case study. 7th World Down Syndrome Congress, Sydney, 23-26 March 2000. Sydney: Down Syndrome Association of NSW.
Moni, K. B. and Jobling, A. M. A. (2000). 'I'm not in this story, I'm the writer!' Broadening approaches to literacy education for young adults with Down syndrome. 7th World Down Syndrome Congress, Sydney, 23-26 March 2000. Sydney: Down Syndrome Association of NSW.
Moni, K. B. (2000). Nothing new under the sun: An introduction to intertextuality and textual studies. AATE National Conference 2000, Brisbane, 5-8 July 2000. Brisbane: Australian Association for the Teaching of English.
Moni, K. B. (2000). Taking stock: Learning from students' experiences of assessment in Year 8 English. AATE National Conference 2000, Brisbane, 5-8 July 2000. Brisbane: Australian Association for the Teaching of English.
Jobling, A. M. A. and Moni, K. B. (2000). Interdisciplinary approaches to providing authentic teaching and learning contexts for secondary pre-service teachers in English and Special Needs curriculum areas. ASET/HERDSA Joint International Conference, Toowoomba, 2-5 July 2000. Toowoomba: Australian Society for Educational Technology.
Jobling, A. M. A., Moni, K. B. and Lloyd, J. M. (2000). Literacy and Technology Courses: Hands On -- 'LATCH-ON'. 7th World Down Syndrome Congress, Sydney, 23-26 March 2000. Sydney: Down Syndrome Association of NSW.
Moni, K., van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Baker, C.D. (1999). Task sheets: What do they contribute to students' socialisation into literacy assessment practices in English?. Joint National Conference 1999, Adelaide, Australia, 6-9 July 1999. Adelaide: Aust. Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations.
Moni, K. B., van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Baker, C. (1999). Task sheets: What do they contribute to students’ socialization of English?. Australian Literacy Educators’ Association Conference., Melbourne, VIC Australia, July 1999.
Moni, K., van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Baker, C. (1998). Follow instructions, do your work and don’t be noisy: Students’ constructions of literacy assessment in the first year of high school English. Australian Literacy Educators’ Association Conference, Brisbane, QLD Australia, July 1998.
Moni, K. B. and van Kraayenoord, C. E. (1996). Teachers’ perceptions and practices of literacy assessment in Year 8 English. 22nd Australian Literacy Educators’ Association Conference, Brisbane, QLD Australia, June/July 1996.
Moni, Karen Bradshaw (1999). Constructions of literacy assessment in two year 8 English classrooms. PhD Thesis, Graduate School of Education, The University of Queensland.
Research Reports
Luke, Allan, Elkins, John, Weir, Katie, Land, Ray, Carrington, Victoria, Dole, Shelley, Pendergast, Donna, Kapitzke, Cushla, van Kraayenoord, Christa, Moni, Karen, McIntosh, Alistair, Mayer, Diane, Bahr, Mark, Hunter, Lisa, Chadbourne, Rod, Bean, Tom, Alverman, Donna and Stevens, Lisa (2003). Beyond the middle: A report about literacy and numeracy development of target group students in the middle years of schooling: Volume 1. St Lucia, Brisbane: School of Education, The University of Queensland.
Luke, Allan, Elkins, John, Weir, Katie, Land, Ray, Carrington, Victoria, Dole, Shelly, Pendergast, Donna, Kapitzke, Cushla, van Kraayenoord, Christa, Moni, Karen, McIntosh, Alistair, Mayer, Diane, Bahr, Mark, Hunter, Lisa, Chadbourne, Rod, Bean, Tom, Alverman, Donna and Stevens, Lisa (2003). Beyond the middle: A report about literacy and numeracy development of target group students in the middle years of schooling: Volume 2 (Appendices). Canberra, ACT, Australia: Department of Education, Science and Training.
Moni, K. B., Jobling, M.A. and van Kraayenoord, C. E. (2002). Lifestories: An approach to teaching literacy to adults with intellectual disabilities -- A training, teaching and resource package (Final Report). Canberra: Department of Education, Science and Training.
Moni, K. B., van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Moni, R. (2001). Review of Literacy-Related Programs and Activities at Redbank Plains State High School. Brisbane: University of Queensland.