Pre-application assessment of academic requirements - Graduate Diploma in Education and Master of Teaching

This page is to help you decide whether your academic history meets with the academic requirements for entry into our Graduate Diploma in Education and Master of Teaching programs.
The Pre-assessment Process
- Check our Become a Teacher page to confirm which of our initial teacher education programs best suits your aspirations.
- Download the Application Form at the link below.
- Check the program guide for your program at the links below for prerequisites and other program rules.
- If you are interested in the Graduate Diploma in Education download the Entry Guide for the Graduate Diploma in Education below and complete the self-assessment check in the Entry Guide.
- If your previous study was not at UQ please provide official academic transcripts and grade explanations in your email to us.
- Advise us of any study you are currently undertaking or any you will undertake between the time of your request for pre-application and time of entry into our program.
- Send an email containing the completed Application Form, self-assessment (for Graduate Diploma in Education only) any transcripts, and a description of your current or planned study to the email below.
- All applications for pre-assessment that contain all the required information will be processed within 10 working days of receipt.
- We will advise you of any shortfalls and suggest ways forward for you to meet requirements.
Use this link for all email correspondence on this matter: Pre-application assessment of academic requirements