UQ Course Code: EDUC7530 (Turn To Teach)

UQ ProgramTurn To Teach - 1st Year / 1st PEx
Duration15 days - 3 week block
Dates2 June - 20 June

Teaching Load Requirements:
  • Week 1: Observation of supervising teacher. Planning teaching activities with supervising teacher. 2 - 3 days of "hands-on" observations. Assisting lesson activities.  

  • Week 2: Active teaching - lesson segment or activity (e.g. 10 - 15 min quiz, group activity, discussion, plenary or starter). Start of the week begin to teach sements.

  • Week 3: Lesson segments continue and progress towards a full lesson. Full lesson by mid-week, aim for 2 full lessons.

Final Report: 

IMPORTANT: Schools are required to give the fully signed reports to the Pre-Service Teacher. Schools do not have to return the report to UQ (or  Facilitator), it is the Pre-Service Teacher responsibilty to upload their report to their UQ BlackBoard site. 

PEx Pay Claims: 

Please Click Here then open Supervising Teacher & School Coordinator Pay Claims Forms from the menu

Professional Experience Calendar:

Can be found here.

Supporting Documentation and Guidelines for Supervising Teachers & School Coordinators

Pre-Service Teacher performance