Foundation of the Science of Learning (EDUC7059) is now available as an elective for Master, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students in Educational Studies.
Course coordinator Professor Annemaree Carroll is an educational psychologist known nationally and internationally for her research that investigates the self-regulatory processes of child and adolescent behaviour and focuses on developing innovative interventions for children and youth to bring about positive change in their lives.
Along with other School of Education academics she has been an integral part of the Science of Learning Research Centre. Current projects within the Science of Learning Research Centre, of which she is a Chief Investigator include: the regulation of emotions through intervention approaches; the real-time emotional states of students; neural markers of attention readiness; and foundation skills of attention control in children. In addition to understanding the process of learning better, are research initiatives via emerging technologies that will translate into innovative classroom practice and training agendas for the next generation of teachers.
The Science of Learning Research Centre (SLRC) is presenting a 2-day Professional Development program for school educators Monday 27 June –Tuesday 28 June. The program will draw together current research across the fields of neuroscience, cognitive psychology and education, translating it into relevant, future-focused, practical information for educators. READ MORE and Register... |
“It’s a thrill for any researcher to see their work incorporated into courses but deploying it to the people who will put it into practice feels really special,” Professor Carroll said. “This material is so fresh and important – the Science of Learning is an emerging field in education - it feels like it will make an enormous difference on the ground for teachers and students.”
To make a better fit with the lives of educators the course will be offered externally (online) only in Semester 2, 2016.
Enrolments are open now via SI-Net.
Come take your journey with us.