EDUC7625 Achieving Professional Engagement
UQ Course: EDUC7625
UQ Program | Master of Teaching (Secondary) | Final Year / Final PEx |
Duration | 30 days - 6 week block |
Dates | 11 Aug - 19 Sept |
Teaching Load Requirements:
- 2 days of observation and settling into school environment and context, as well as planning and consulting with Supervising Teacher(s) for future teaching
- Segments of lessons half way through Week 1
- Full lessons to start at end of Week 1
- Sequences of lessons to commence in Week 2 until end of Week 6
- Students should be at 50% of a full-time teaching load by end of Week 2. This 50% teaching load will continue until the end of the placement. If students and schools are in agreement that they would like to increase this teaching load as the professional experience progresses, UQ is happy to support this. Please note: students do not need to teach more than a 50% teaching load unless this has been negotiated between the Pre-Service Teacher and the School.
- Pre-Service teacher observations continue throughout placement
- Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment (GTPA): During this final placement, pre-service teachers will undertake the Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment (GTPA). The Teacher Performance Assessment is a mandatory external task that all final semester Education students within Australia must undertake in order to be able to graduate. Pre-service teachers must have the opportunity to undertake their GTPA data collection in one of their teaching areas.
Please see below the requirements for the GTPA:
- A minimum of a sustained four week unit of work in one of the pre-service teacher’s teaching areas with the opportunity to conduct an assessment at the end of the unit. If the summative assessment does not take place during Term 3, pre-service teachers can create a formative assessment to use with students at the conclusion of their teaching of the unit. During this four week period, there must be some opportunity for teaching to take place (this could be explicit teaching of new content, revision, helping students draft an assignment etc).
- Pre-service teachers do not need to teach the full unit or even the beginning of the unit. They can begin their GTPA unit within the first two weeks of their placement.
- Pre-service teachers will need to collect some initial data for planning. Some examples of this data may include: NAPLAN data, previous summative assessment results, previous work samples, pre-test (this can be designed by the pre-service teacher), attendance data, behavioural data, discussions with supervising teacher and other relevant staff, observations etc. Please note that all data used within the GTPA is de-identified so that the school and students are not identifiable. We also understand that not all schools are comfortable sharing some of this data. We can work with the pre-service teacher to select data types that the school is comfortable with the pre-service teacher using and will also allow the pre-service teacher to collect the data they need to successfully complete their assignment.
- The pre-service teacher will select three focus students (these students are not aware of this) to discuss in the GTPA.
- Continuous data collection will take place during the teaching and assessing cycle (formative and summative assessment).
- The pre-service teacher will need to include a copy of the three focus students’ summative work samples (in their entirety) in their GTPA submission. These work samples will be de-identified.
- Moderation of the three focus students’ summative work samples will take place between the pre-service teacher and the supervising teacher.
PEx Reports:
IMPORTANT: Schools are required to give the fully signed reports to the Pre-Service Teacher. Schools do not have to return the report to UQ (or Facilitator), it is the Pre-Service Teacher responsibilty to upload their report to their UQ BlackBoard site.
PEx Pay Claims:
Please Click Here then open Supervising Teacher & School Coordinator Pay Claims Forms from the menu
Supporting Documentation and Guidelines for Supervising Teachers and School Coordinators
- Professional Experience Handbook
- Digital Signature Information Sheet
- GTPA Factsheet for Schools and Supervising Teachers (PDF, 869.4 KB)
- GTPA Factsheet for Preservice Teachers (PDF, 2.7 MB)
- Professional Experience Checklist
- Professional Experience Glossary of Terms
- QCT Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
- QCT Evidence Guide for Supervising Teachers
- QLD Professional Experience Reporting Framework
- QLD School System Expectations for Graduate Teachers
Pre-Service Teacher performance:
- Lesson Observation Form (PDF, 97.7 KB) (Pre-Service Teacher completes)
- Monitoring Pre-service Teacher Performance
- Lesson Analysis Sheet (PDF, 40.8 KB) (Supervising Teacher completes)
- At Risk Form