UQ Course: EDUC1740

UQ ProgramBachelor of Education (Primary) | 1st Year / 1st PEx

10 days - 5 single days (1 day per week - Friday) + 1 week block (5 days)

5 single days: 4 April, 2 May, 9 May, 16 May, 23 May 
5 days - 1 week block: 26 May - 30 May 

Teaching Load Requirements:
  • The first 5 single days to be observation (hands-on observation helping teacher and students
  • The last 5 days to start teaching segments of lessons (e.g. 10 mins or 15 mins, half a lesson – this might be the start of the lesson, the conclusion, a lesson quiz, discussion, group activity, reading groups, explaining a concept, etc).
  • Pre-Service Teachers can be paired together with one Supervising Teacher.

Final Report:

IMPORTANT: Schools are required to give the fully signed reports to the Pre-Service Teacher. Schools do not have to return the report to UQ (or Facilitator), it is the Pre-Service Teacher responsibilty to upload their report to their UQ BlackBoard site. 

PEx Pay Claims: 

Please Click Here then open Supervising Teacher & School Coordinator Pay Claims Forms from the menu

Supporting Documentation and Guidelines for Supervisors and Schools

Pre-Service Teacher performance: